
Producer's warranty/ guarantee is provided to all items which You purchased in the online store. Terms and conditions of producer's warranty can be found in the product descriptions and on warranty coupons. Warranty obligations are only valid if the operating conditions of the goods are not violated. The warranty does not apply to the software

If You encounter with problems of quality of goods, we recommend You to contact an authorized service center directly. Contact information of authorized service center is indicated on the product warranty card.

We recommend read carefully operating instructions and warranty conditions of product in order to avoid misunderstandings. Please also check that the warranty card has been filled in correctly. The warranty card is valid only when it correctly indicates a product model, product series, number and date of sale. Also, a stamp of the seller with his and a buyer's signatures must be put on the warranty card.

Be sure to provide the purchese documents and warranty card of the product when You hand over/ transfer the product for warranty repair. During the warranty period, repairs are free of charge.